Intermediate series 5 day intensive

Mysore classes + Pranayama + asana clinics

May 17-21, 2024

Fee: $650/$600

This five day studio intensive combines morning mysore classes & pranayama sessions with afternoon asana clinics exploring second series in-depth.

This immersive clinic is intended as continuing education for practitioners wishing to advance their practice, explore the ashtanga method in more depth and teachers who wish to enhance their skills in teaching traditional method. A regular primary practice is needed to attend along what some exposure to the asana in first half of intermediate.


  • daily mysore in small group setting

  • in-depth study of intermediate asana - vinyasa, therapy, precursors, modification

  • advanced pranayama practice

  • Q&A

  • Ayurvedic dinner

  • Community

  • Teachers workshop

Mysore classes, pranayama, community, Q&A

4 day WORKSHop

August 30-September 2, 2024

November dates tBA

Fee: $250

Over the four days, you will have an opportunity to receive one on one guidance while practicing in a small group - this is a wonderful way to develop your practice. Following each Mysore session, you will be led through a traditional pranayama practice, followed by discussion, Q&A and feedback.

Montreal Workshop

(Ashtanga Yoga - the old way)

Mysore Sessions. Prananyama. Led Class. Asana Workshop, Q&A

September 13/14/15


Jody teaches authentic Ashtanga yoga with personal attention, inspiration and much laughter…. located around the corner from the beautiful Hirtles beach, her studio is a delight. highly recommended!’
— Erica