
Why what you eat really matters

CORE program -  It all starts with diet - why what you eat really matters

In CORE, we focus on that foundational piece diet; learning what to eat, how and why we should.

We begin with a thorough diet and lifestyle assessment.  This sets the stage for making sustainable changes, helping us see how past/current diet and lifestyle patterns may impacted health. 

We learn about macro-nutrients - what is a healthy protein, carb and fat and why finding that right macro-nutrient balance might hold the key to achieving our health goals. We explore the importance of eating a nutrient-rich diet, making that important connection between diet and positive health outcomes - learning to using food as medicine.  What top foods we need to include in our diet to optimize metabolic health.

Further, you will be introduced to the ‘Core Food Plan’, offering us nutrient dense food options under each of the Macro-nutrient categories - CFP is an important tool teaching us what to eat and how, modifiable to all health goals. Finally, we will explore current dietary strategies/philosophies, look at the science and whether this might offer us further support in health optimization.

Part education, part health coaching, this program provides a clear road map for personalized dietary change, offering the practical tools needed to use diet to support metabolic health and longevity,

You may join CORE one on one or group sessions.

5 weekly/bi-weekly sessions via Zoom or, in person.  

CORE II - a deeper dive into personalized health + on-going support

For those who have participated in CORE, these additional sessions allow us to segue in a more personalized way, taking a deeper dive into your diet and lifestyle plan. 

We focus on implementing your new dietary goals translating them into meal planning tips and recipes. We discuss other important lifestyle factors: sleep optimization, stress management, getting the most out of your movement protocol. We explore dietary supplementation that can best support your health.  Along the way, we will adjust to meet new goals, explore new areas you want to address, while providing you with needed on-going support.   

Core II is offered as 4 monthly or as needed sessions via Zoom or, in person.  


Core program - 5 sessions, $450 (one to one)/ $300 per person (2-4 participants

Core II - 4 sessions, $300